Negative and Film Scanning

Accomodating 35mm, 120 and 4x5 film sizes. Each will be cropped full frame at 600 dpi. Basic adjustments made to ensure a quality image and every attempt will be made to scan your film dust free but no retouching will be provided. Image Restoration will be considered on a case by case basis. Images can be scanned up to and including 8."x12" and will be scanned at 600 dpi at at least the same size dimensions as the original. Basic adjustments will be made to ensure a quality image scan with as much clarity as can be obtained. No retouching will be provided. Once again, image restoration is considered on a custom level.

Slide Scan

Slide Scan

Negative and Slide Scanning

If you have boxes of old slides and negatives laying around from your parents, grandparents or even great-grandparents and have no idea what to do with them, then let's see what we can salvage. I'll be honest with you, not all negatives and slides survive the test of time. If they were stored well in a temperature controlled, dry environment where no mold could possibly ever survive then they may be 100% intact. If not then the damage varies. I suggest you sort through and take visual stock of what you have, how much damage there is if any and give me a count based on what you believe to be salvageable. (Pro tip: If a slide looks like it has dirt on one side, that's probably a form of mold. If you just try to rub it off you will probably take most of the image with it. So don't.) 

1-200 Negatives or Slides $1.00 each

201-400 Negatives or Slides $.75 each

401-600 Negatives or Slides $.50 each

Higher quantities will be quoted per job. For up to a couple hundred a typical turn around time can be about a week. Over that a time frame will be quoted before accepting the job. a 50% deposit is required at the time the negative and/or slides are accepted. The remainder due when job is delivered. Images will be be made available via cloud storage and download of the images is the responsibility of the customer. Originals will be hand delivered back to you. I prefer local work so that no shipping of valuable memories is required.

Print Scan

Print Scan

Print Scanning

Paper images tend to stand the test of time better sometimes than plastic films and slides. Primarily ones that have been cherished and cared for in frames and temperature controlled living rooms. However fading does occur over time as does discoloration. 

As a general rule greater quality of scans are available when scanning from a print because they are a larger source material. Multiple levels of scanning quality will be listed below. Again, any size up to and include 8.5"x12" can be accommodated. Color or black. Basic adjustments will be made to insure quality and as much clarity as possible. No retouching is offered. Image restoration is available as an additional service

600 dpi Scans:

1-50 Paper images of any size $5.00 each

51-100 Paper images of any size $3.00 each

Higher quantities can be negotiated per job.

1200 dpi Scans:

1-50 Paper images of any size $10.00 each

51-100 Paper image of any size $6.00 each

Image Restoration

Billed at $25.00 an hour. An estimate of time necessary to restore your image will be given prior to job acceptance. If it takes longer to complete than you were originally quoted the job will be finished with regular progress updates for your convenience and no additional time will be charged.