Sit a Spell: The Cat, The Cowboy & The Newshawk
/What happens when a Catwoman, a cowboy themed President and a hardened Newshawk walk into a bar? Well the bartender probably just goes ahead and takes their drink orders. But also we get a little window into how "free" the speech actually is in this country.
Ladybird Johnson invited Eartha Kitt to a luncheon in 1968 and sparks flew. Kitt got cancelled. This story needs to be told and told again because things like this are still happening. By the way, pause what you're doing right now, go find Kathy Griffin on IG and giver her a virtual hug. She deserves it.
Here's a link to a Press Conference Eartha suffered through post dustup.
Other links/sources
Eartha Kitt vs. LBJ: Newly Found Audio
The White House Incident in her own words
An Evening With Eartha Kitt at Northwestern's Thorne Auditorium